Thursday, December 29, 2011

Recycled Old Boot Birdhouse

One of my faovrite ways of saving money and satisfying my crafty side is to make birhouses out of old boots. Check your local parks and wildlife department for information on birdhouse dimensions.

Steampunk Goggles made from stuff around my house

Thanks to a tutorial I found on

These Steampunk goggles were made from random objects around my house. An old leather purse for the strap and the leather. A neck pillow for the wooly rims. Various spools and nuts and bolts and some hot glue and you have a pair of goggles.
I had the dragon eye leftover from a puppet project. Once I got into "steampunk mode" I began seeing all kinds of useful ways to recycle and re use the most ordinary objects. Gatorade lids where lenses, the clip from a pen became an antenna, a plate hanger became...............well , not really sure what it's function is but it's your appendix.